Logo, an abstract vector illustration of Yoeran's head

Yoeran Luteijn

  • Web applications
  • Interaction Design
  • Datavisualization
  • Interactive Installations
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I am a freelance creative developer; strong in development and a keen sense of visual-, experience- and interaction-design. Bridging the gap between technology and human interaction.

Tech Skills

HTML5, (S)CSS, Javascript, Svelte, Astro, React, Typescript, NestJS, NextJS, NodeJS, GraphQL, Websockets, Three.JS, D3.js, Processing, PHP, DevOps


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Schiphol, This Is Development, Qdrop, In4Art, Aegon, Spielwork, T-Mobile, Dept Agency, UWV, Lemone, Genexis, Splaire, NOS, Energy Floors, Het Financieele Dagblad, Uitvaart.nl, G+J Media, TWTG